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Aneta Ilieva


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You've either, decided, it's the right time, for you to, own, a home, of your own, or to upgrade, and/ or relocate, for some, personally, relevant reason. If your objective is, like most home buyers, to make the process, as stress - free, and hassle - free, as possible, quality, proper, efficient, effective preparation, is the best way, to proceed. House - hunting might, either, be, a pleasant adventure, or far, less, so, and, thus, this article will proceed, to attempt to briefly review, examine, consider, and discuss, 5 preliminary financial steps, to take, in advance, before proceeding, along a well - considered, path.
1. Credit report: Doesn't it make sense, to comprehensively, review your credit report, and examine it, thoroughly, to discover, if there are any errors, and/ or, omissions? Fix any error, in a well - organized manner, and realize, it takes a considerable amount of time, for this process. Carefully amend, by obtaining your free copy of your credit report, from all three, major, Credit Reporting Agencies. If you have difficulty doing so, yourself, it often makes sense, to hire a reputable company, which specializes in this process and procedure.

2. Avoid additional credit: Since you should begin this process, at least 6 months prior, it's important, to avoid applying for, or taking out any additional credit, during this period. We are often tempted, when stores, for example, offer us a discount for using their credit card, but, you should realize, doing so, might adversely impact, your credit - worthiness!
3. Disciplined savings: Home buyers will, also, need to prepare, for items, such as the down - payment, or necessary financial reserves, which are, often required by the lending institutions, as well as being a comforting approach!
4. Be prepared for the 3 needed reserves: You will need, to prepare, for, at least, 3 needed, and necessary reserves. One should be, for the deposit (often, 20%); another, for your monthly reserves, such as utilities, repairs, up - keep, etc; and the third, for contingencies (unanticipated expenses, or deciding, there is a need for some renovation, and/ or alteration).

5. Know your limitations: Beware of becoming someone, who is house - rich, and cash - flow, poor! Objectively, know and identify, your personal limitations, and comfort zone! Avoid placing too much emphasis, on your ego, and consider, whether you are seeking, a home, you can afford, and, thus, will, truly enjoy!
Taking the time and effort, to properly prepare, and be ready, for home ownership, is the wisest course, and path, to take, before embarking on house - hunting. It's up to you, to proceed, wisely, and in a prepared manner!

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Aneta stands out amongst realtors because she is intuitive, intelligent and effective. She quickly divines the individual needs of her clients and zeros in on their priorities and preferences. She presents the big picture with relevant comparison properties and finds the gem you were hoping for. Thank you Aneta


~ Konstantin Yamakov

When Aneta met with us for the first time she was so friendly, professional and compassionate. We immediately took a liking to her and knew she was the one we wanted to sell our house. She was able to look at the house and give us an ideal of what need to be done to get the house ready for the market. Aneta then gave us a guideline to accomplish what needed to be done so that we could have the house ready to sell by the end of May, prime selling time. She also provided us recommendations on who to hire for the minor repairs on the house, yard work, cleaning and staging of the house. Once everything was done, the house looked fantastic.


~ Regina Milochekova

We highly recommend you choose Aneta as your realtor. Before working with Aneta, we searched for a home with various agents for a long and wearying 3 months and endured frustrating and disillusioning attempts at home purchases. We met Aneta and within a month we had closed on a wonderful house that was inside our preferred area. To say that Aneta is hardworking, intelligent, warm, enthusiastic, and considerate of our needs and is ahead of the game. Aneta has, all of these qualities and more. And most importantly, Aneta gets you that house and the job done.!


~ Galina Kushinska

I just want to extend my gratitude to Aneta ilieva for being such a great realtor. Being a first time home buyer, I had a lot of questions and doubts. Aneta was always there to assure me that everything was fine and to answer all of my questions. She never pushed me into doing anything that I didn’t want to do. I always felt that I was important to her and she always had time for me. She was there every step of the way. Aneta is everything that you look for in a realtor. She is professional, knowledgeable, honest, kind, patient, helpful, and determined. I had the privilege of working with her for 3 months. In that time, she helped me find the perfect first home for me and my husband. We are so grateful to have worked with Aneta.I would definitely recommend Aneta to anyone who is looking for a great, hard-working realtor!


~ Stoyan Leshtevski

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